Here are some frequently asked questions:
Why is the training spread out so much?
The Live LIGHT Academy is about is more about community than it is about content. The Live LIGHT Challenge is more about doing than it is about knowing. We give time for the homework to take hold. Don't worry, we can connect weekly in the Common and whenever you want in the private Facebook group.
If you're in Canada, why is the academy in US dollars?
We have people from all over the world, mainly from the US and all our expenses are in USD.
What if I can't afford the monthly rate?
We have a way for you to earn scholarships. The first month is free, so why not try it out?Learn more in Live LIGHT Friends.
What is this Live LIGHT Manifesto I keep hearing about?
If you join Live LIGHT Friends, you can download a copy of it and see the most recent video of it.